St. Nikolaus-Bruderschaft Mönchengladbach-Hardt

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  • The St. Nikolaus-Bruderschaft Hardt was founded 1451 and 2001 there was a big party in Hardt for 550 years.

    The St. Nikolaus-Bruderschaft is a shooters-fraternity at the catholic Pfarrgemeinde St. Nikolaus Mönchengladbach-Hardt.

    This is a interest-group for men, which agree to the principles and targets of the association of the historical german Schützenbruderschaften e.V. . This is a member of this association, the statutes are obligatory.

    The St. Nikolaus-Bruderschaft is builded by the management and the following groups, which will participate at the meetings like the Spätkirmes at Hardt from 27.August to 29.August 2004.
    The following Groups exists (in alphabetical order):
    Alte Fahne, (exists in 2001 for 40 years) Armbrustschützen, Bundesschützen-Tambour-Corps "Gut Klang" (founded 1923), Fruehzug (founded 1995), Generalität und Hauptmann, Gröne Jonges, Hardter Blasmusik, Hubertuszug (founded 1998), Heckenschützen, Jägeroffiziere (exists in April 1997 for 25 years), Jungschützen (exist 1998 for 40 years), Marinezug, Maternuszug, Makarius-Schützen, Mittelvorst, Neue Fahne, Peedsskööpp, St. Matthias-Bruderschaft, Schützengruppe Kreuelskamp, Schwatte Männ, Sebastianuszug, Strafkompanie (Kirmesgruppe Spönradsbeen) and Spieß, Tomper Jonges, Tupp-Club (founded 1967), Vituszug

    My Name is Ralf Hennekes and i am happy with feedback !